
League Fees and Team Rosters

The GBRSL Board of Directors has unanimously approved the 2019 fees for participation in the League. In addition to the $100 joining fee per club, there will be a swimmer surcharge of $7 per swimmer on the team. This fee replaces the former City Meet fee that TAQ charged. As such, there will be NO additional fee to participate at City Meet. More details to follow regarding City as we get closer to the summer. Fees and team rosters (template attached) are due to the League by Memorial Day. Checks can be made out to the Greater Baton Rouge Swim League or just GBRSL if you prefer. Each club should submit a single check. We will not accept checks directly from parents. We understand that additions may happen after Memorial Day, so procedures for that are as follows:

  • Resubmit your roster using the attached template 24 hours BEFORE your next meet start date (ex: meet on June 1st at 8:00am, roster re-submission due May 31st by 8:00am)
    • Swimmers not listed on your roster are not eligible to score points at the meet. You may discuss counting those swimmers as exhibitions with the opposing team.
    • Any coach who suspects a swimmer is erroneously entered can ask me if they are on the roster. I will verify that the swimmer was on the roster prior to the meet. If they are not, the complaint will be forwarded to the Competition Committee for possible sanctions.
  • A final (single) check for all additions is due by City Meet
    • Teams that have an outstanding balance for their league fees will not be allowed to participate in City Meet.
Rob is currently appointing the Competition Committee. The committee will set the competition rules for the season. As soon as they have finalized the rules, and the Board approves, we will send that out to all teams. We are also creating the regular season schedule, so look for that in the near future as well. 
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